Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    This is my first blog post. I'm writing my blog post on "How to Write with Style". My post is sposed to be on the rule I think would be hardest not to break. I personally believe the do not ramble rule would be the hardest for me. Because I know I ramble on to trying to make papers longer to fill up space. I need to work on making my writing more intresting without rambling.


  1. I bellieve we all ramble at some point in our writing the key is to notice those mistakes and cut them before the final draft.

  2. True i suffer with the same problem kind of repeating a sentence over just in different words...but if we put our time into our writing we probably could come up with a herd of things to say without rambling or using unnecessary phrases.

  3. I try to catch myself when I start to ramble on about things in my writing. Just go back and look at each sentence and if you think you started rambling look for ways to shorten it.
